Becoming an affiliate

Place our products on your site and receive 50% of every sale and 30% of all subsequent payments.

Register via the link

After registration, we will have to confirm you as a partner.

Now you can place our products on your site. Use the following format for links

Order page redirect:[1][id]=PRODUCT_ID&products[1][agreement-id]=XXXX

(where “XXXX” is your Affiliation Agreement ID number).

Landing page redirect: 

(where “XXXX” is your Affiliation Agreement ID number).

How does the affiliate link work?

You can use this link any way you can think of: send it by email or over instant chat, put it on social networks, sites, forums, blogs, or anywhere else. Whenever anyone uses your link and buys a program, you receive a commission of 50% of the purchase price.